Sunday, May 20, 2012

Annapurna Circuit Trek: Part 6 - Return to Thorung Phedi

We began our walk toward to Yak Kharka for the second time. This time it was much easier and more enjoyable, as we were much healthier, making exercise in the cold weather more bearable. 

Along the way we bought a yak-horn necklace from this friendly Nepali man, who spoke zero English.

We appreciated the lovely views just as much the second time around.

We spent the night at the same hotel we did last time in Yak Kharka, and headed off for Thorung Phedi early the next morning.

The hazardous landslide area that, this time, we passed without incident.

We soon arrived at Thorung Phedi, where, despite drinking lots of water, Chelsea was suffering a mild altitude headache. She decided to lie down while Frank went to explore a little way up the path toward the pass, as it would be dark when we hiked it in the morning. The following are the photos he took.

In the evening Chelsea was feeling much better and there was a festive mood at the lodge as Frank jammed out with Kumar, the host of our lodge (a Nepali dude, who also had dreadlocks).

We retired early to bed, in the freezing cold, both feeling a little apprehensive about the journey ahead of us.

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