Friday, May 25, 2012

Annapurna Sanctuary Trek: Part 2 - Pun Hill & Ghorepani to Tadapani

We awoke at 5am the next morning and climbed 400m to reach Pun Hill (3200m) by sunrise in order to get the best views. The trail snaked steeply up the rhododendron covered mountain side and we made it to the top in only 45mins.

As the sun rose our efforts we rewarded by amazing views of the Annapurnas. From left to right: Annapurna I, Annapurna South, Huin Chuli.

At the top of the trail was a viewpoint from which you could see the full mountain panorama with the Dhaulagiris to West and the Annapurnas to the East. It seems that this is a very popular hike judging by the number of people that had accumulated there.

Rhododendron and Fir trees were everywhere.

Here you can see the viewing tower that marks the top of the trail.

A friendly dog randomly started following us, so we got a photo of him too.

This friendly lady was selling souvenirs on the side of the trail.

After climbing back down to Ghorepani for a very tasty breakfast, we packed up and hit the trail. The forests were full of flowers, and the smell was wonderful as we walked. Birds were chirping, and in the distance we could see the huge mountains ahead of us. Unusual plants and animals were all around us.

The trail followed a high ridge for a couple of hours before descending into a lush, forested canyon.

We soon reached the tiny peaceful village of Ban Thanti, where we stopped for some dal bhat. While we waited for our food, these adorable baby goats kept us entertained. They frolicked around the village in the warm sunshine.

Their owner let some of the smallest one snuggle up next to him. Too cute!

After lunch, we kept walking through the enchanted rhododendron forest.

At one point we spotted a troop of Langur monkeys screeching and jumping around in the trees. It was tough to get a picture, since they rarely held still long enough to be photographed.

This serious-looking buffalo was another critter we passed on the trail.

After about 7 hours on the trail we reached our final destination, Tadapani (2600m), which means 'far from water'.

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